A downloadable game for Windows

GitHub project: https://github.com/OlaDola/RTGEF_project, in case you want to have a laugh at this "game" :)

On the Start menu go to Play then to Level EdiThor ( funny joke to make you laugh before you see the disaster)

You will be presented with a grid of red squares (by default is 2x2)

On the left side of the screen there are 2 buttons, the square one is used to place platform (blue) on a selected quare, and the x to remove the platform: ( you can focus which square by pressing with the mouse button on the square, you will know which square you are pressing when a square has a contour)

To defocus from a square press Esc, if you press Esc while no squares are focused you will get the pause menu, and again to depause the menu ( that is all for the pause menu, no back button , you stuck here forever..)

On the right side your also two buttons, that increase or decrease the grid size ( the left is decrease and right is increase)

By holding the right mouse button and sliding slightly to the left or the right the camera will rotate around the centre of the grid if no square is focused and if a square is focused then it will rotate around the focused square. (note that when rotating and then defocusing, the camera will have a new position as if you rotated around the centre of the grid, pretty handy to not lose focus from where were you)

Now after placing your platforms how you wanted, you might want to press the Tab key to present you with my pride and joy, the dimension swap ( basically you now see in 2D if you were in 3D and vice versa..) the camera will snap to a designated location based on proximity ( facing forwards, backwards, on the left or right) 

Now if you are ready with placing and looking in 2D and 3D, if you press the Space key the red squares will disappear , the gap between position will no longer be there, and a player will spawn.

Now to understand the logic of the platforms:

     - Player moves with the WASD keys (like a normal person)

     - In 3D the player can only move to a platform if it is exactly to his right, left, back or forward.

     - In 2D (but what about if the player has no platform where to move) hehe, now this is my favourite part. In 2D the player no longer looks for a platform right next to him in 3D, but in 2D. Witch means that he will only be able to move in left or right, and in 2D platforms that are one step to the right or left and 1 -> 10 (infinite really) steps to the back or front will seam to be right next to him and will move there. Also if two platforms are the same ( both are to the right of him the player will move to the one that the camera can see, cause in 2D you can see what it is behind something, so it doesn't exist). Remember that the camera can face 4 directions in 2D, and the connections and movement of the player will change based on said direction, but for you it will look normal.

If you press again space while in play mode it will send you back to editor mode with the platforms that you placed


Game.zip 29 MB

Install instructions

Take the zip file, decompress and double click on the RTGEF_project exec file ( I know you know but still)

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